
This is a list of my publications.

They are arranged according to broad topics I have written about. 


I have published several contributions focusing on La Scala opera house in Nineteenth century 

‘The Structure of Space and the Display of Hegemony at La Scala at its Origins, during Napoleonic period and Restoration’, The European Legacy: Towards New Paradigms, Vol.19, No. 1, January 2014 (AHCI indexed journal). 

‘The Risorgimento of La Scala: conspiracy and barricades’ in Roberto Illiano (ed.) “Studies on Italian Music History”. Vol. 8 Brepols Publishers (September 2013).

‘Was Opera in Italy the Nineteenth Century's Pop Music? Diverse Aspects of Opera in Milan before Italian Unification’, in Katalinic, V. Tuksar, E., White, H, eds., Musical Theatre as High Culture? The Cultural Discourse on Opera and Operetta in the 19th Century, Zagreb: HMD (Croatian Musicological Society), 2011, pp. 125-142.

I have also published on the function of music across borders and how the function of opera changed in Italian and Turkish identity politics

 ‘The Function of Opera across Borders: Italian and Turkish Identity Construction’, co-written with Bezen Coskun; Anglistica, special issue Guarracino, S. And Vitale, M., eds ‘Music across borders’, 2009, Vol.13, No. 2, pp. 59-70. Available online at:


I discorsi di cuori migranti in Italia: la rappresentazione dell’amore nei racconti degli scrittori migrant pubblicati da El-Ghibli’, September 2013.

Academic Qualifications

2006-2010 PhD in Politics, History and International Relations
Loughborough University (UK)

Thesis: The Political Role of La Scala in the Risorgimento: Hegemony and Subversion (1814-1848)